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About this site

My name is Ellie Podojil and I'm a recently graduated nursing student/collegiate athlete. About six months ago I realized that I wasn't healthy. I looked "healthy" by nearly every standard and always checked the boxes at the doctor's office, but I never truly felt good. I struggled with fatigue, bloating, mood swings, acne, and terrible menstrual cramps - all of which society told me were normal for women my age. I accepted that as the truth for many years, until I woke up one day and decided that I didn't want that to be my normal. I started doing some research and was relieved to discover that these things I struggle with were in fact not normal, but rather symptoms of poor health that could be fixed with lifestyle changes.

Six months ago I embarked on this journey to improve my health and improve my life in the process. This blog will serve as an outlet of things I'm learning and implementing along the way. I get most of my information through podcasts, books, and articles created by extremely qualified functional medicine practitioners. I hope to eventually be able to sit down and have conversations with some of them about their own health journeys.

Finally, I want to make it clear that I am by no means an expert in the health realm, just a girl trying to reach my fullest health potential while sharing realistic tips and tricks along the way. Can't wait to see where this journey leads!

-Ellie Podojil

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